Our Story
Since 1994, we’ve been showing kids the joy of a relationship with Jesus Christ through summer camping adventures.
The Camp Hope property has a rich history of serving communities, building up the lives of children and families, and giving hope to all who stepped onto it grounds.
1954 - Lenox Hill Camp
The Lenox Hill Neighborhood House ran a summer camp where 250 children enjoyed hiking, swimming and other camp activities for three weeks every summer. The camp schedule for children was divided into three, three-week periods. Members of the Friendship Club, a social group for people over fifty-five, spent ten days at the camp during the month of September.
1909 - Lakeside Inn & Sheltering Arms
For a time during the turn of the century, the White House (as it’s called today) served as the Lakeside Inn, caring for travelers all across New England. In 1911, the property was purchased and converted into a seasonal convalescent home for women called Sheltering Arms.
1994 - Camp Hope
With the help of some amazing individuals from all over the country, Camp Hope’s first summer camp outreach to inner city kids launched!